Our social lives have adjusted somewhat since having a child. It was inevitable- she's not like our dog Pax, who we can put in a room with a rubber tube full of peanut butter, leave him alone for 8 hours and the worst he'll do is pee on the floor. Apparently babies aren't supposed to be left alone at all. Talk about high maintenance.

Bring me more of this vintage, wench.
Please. For the love of God. Please sleep.
So, we don't get out quite as much, and when we do, our outings are any combination of the following:
Avec Bebe

Tuesday night we enjoyed an evening out, just the two of us, thanks to my parents. We were told upon our return that our delightful infant is basically devil spawn, but such are the hazards of volunteering to watch a (our) baby. She does what she wants, when she wants, and if you don't accommodate that arrangement, she will let you know by screaming until she runs out of breath and gags.
We're sort of used to it. It's actually kind of funny sometimes. But then you feel sort of bad that you're chuckling while she gets increasingly red in the face and sputters and coughs and resumes her rage.
Sort of.
We may make a life, but it will never take our FREEDOM!!!
...oh wait. Yes it will.
We reviewed our social activities from the pre-baby days, and realized that a great many of them included beer and friends.
The best things in life.
So, we ventured out to trivia night at Broken City to join some friends who go every week. They have a long-standing record of victory and we didn't want to cramp their style, but we were graciously accommodated.
Trivia night at Broken City- called Quiz Shoe, for reasons that I can only guess at, including that there is a shoe on the trophy- is an evening of excitement. Intrigue. Frivolity. Table-banging, contestant-heckling, wheel-spinning enthusiasm that showcases the state of adult entertainment today.
The very COCKLES, I say!!!
And I am pleased to report that it is WE who can outnerd them all.
I feel that the person who made this can probably outnerd everyone. One donut to rule them all...
Moral of this story: Never, ever round pi in front of a group of engineers. It's irrational.
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