Sunday, May 20, 2012

I pledge allegiance to the funny...

You know those things you say, "wouldn't it be funny if..." things, those things you never really intend to do, those jokes that you make so that people laugh at the potential hilarity that would ensue should you ever actually do those things?

Those things would be even funnier if we did them.

I make a lot of those types of jokes, those what if jokes. That, along with plagiarizing from The Simpsons and people funnier than me, is the basis of my humour.

And now I figure, with only one life to live, and a desire to maximize the funny in as many situations as much of the time as possible, that I should embark on a project:

The Pledge of Comedic Follow Through
Life is funnier when people do funny stuff.  So as much as possible, when not illegal, not costly and not harmful to myself or others (at least, harmful in a non-funny way), I'm going to try and make good on those jokes and actually DO those things. When not possible, I'll write about them here, so at least a small amount of the funny can be paid forward, and maybe others can go ahead and do some funny stuff too.
I figure I'll also write about funny stuff that happens.  And while I'm trying to be more positive in my life, I bet I'll also use this as an avenue to complain about stuff, but sometimes that's funny too.

So enjoy good people, as you read about my attempts to increase the funny in our lives.

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